Through The Looking Glass

"See the world through the eyes of a creative contributor who loves to illustrate the small
adventures that life creates. My hope is to put down in words and portraits especially those things that are apparent yet not always on parchment. Today unique thoughts, accounts, illustrations, and experiences may not remain distinctive but satisfaction can still be derived from the recognizable sentiment of them and from the faithful bonds they create."

Monday, April 12, 2010

~Jeera Vellam or Cumin Water~

The other day I was complaining to my mom that I want to drink adequate fluids but really dislike drinking plain water. She gave me a great idea! The following is something we use in South India, especially since we don't drink tap water there, water has to be boiled carefully. I gave my husband some for the 'first' time (he forgot he had a taste when we were in Southern India about two years ago). After his first sip, my husband wanted me to put the teapot on again! Apparently he also wasn't the greatest plain water drinker! Now he wants some for everyday. The secret for this refreshment is very simple!

  • Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  • Water - one teapot full
1. Add cumin seeds to water and boil.
2. Sift, serve, and enjoy :)

~ Water can be consumed warm, or cooled at room temperature. Note: water will be yellowish in color. Don't mind the spice dust on spoon from my chef's pallet! :)

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